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Sleepling trouble

Many people have difficulty sleeping in the days and weeks following a distressing experience. They find it hard to get to sleep and they keep thinking about what they have been through. Some people wake with a start in the middle of the night and then lie awake for a long time. Others wake up long before they have to get up and are unable to fall back to sleep. Anyone may have nights when they sleep badly like this. It is normal that your worries and fears keep going through your mind at night especially. Sometimes these difficulties with sleeping go away after a short time. But sometimes they may last for a very long time. Then people lie awake at night and worry about things. They think about their troubles. Some people are afraid to go to sleep because they are plagued with nightmares.

Difficulties with sleeping can cause you to feel exhausted in the daytime, you may be irritable and unable to concentrate. There are ways for you to help yourself to sleep better.


How to get a good night’s sleep.

People who have difficulties sleeping may find it helpful to use techniques to improve their sleep. It may also help to train your awareness. These techniques are more effective the more regularly they’re practised. It may seem a bit strange at the start but that’s normal. Work out a technique that suits you and follow it regularly. Doing it every day is best. Several times a week would be good. If your problems become too much for you, you should see a doctor.


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