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Everyone experiences fear. Fear is a logical and important response that alerts us to threatening situations. However sometimes people may also feel afraid even when the situation is not threatening. When someone has a panic attack, they are suddenly seized by overwhelming fear for no apparent reason. For example, they may start shaking, have difficulty breathing or chest pains, they may feel dizzy, nauseous or they start sweating. They are afraid of losing control, of going mad or even of dying. If these panic attacks happen often, they can become a problem in their own right. People who suffer from panic attacks are often afraid to leave familiar rooms. They need someone with them at all times. They no longer feel safe. Their life is dominated by fear. To prevent this from happening, health experts have developed techniques to help.


Take courage.

Many people experience panic attacks. These are a sign that the body and mind are processing what you have been through. Sometimes it may feel as if fear is controlling your life. Paying attention to the little things in everyday life may help you to regain control. You can also use your own sources of strength to help you get better. These techniques are more effective the more regularly they’re practised. It may seem a bit strange at the start but that’s normal. Work out a technique that suits you and practise it regularly. Doing it every day is best. Several times a week would be good. If your problems get too much for you, you should see a doctor.


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