Burdens Inner emptiness
Many people withdraw from others after very distressing experiences. They feel empty inside. They no longer want to meet up with other people or talk to them. Meeting other people is too much effort for them. When they are alone, they worry and think back on things a lot. They’re unable to take any pleasure in things or to have any positive feelings. They also tend to feel detached from other people.
These reactions may be normal in the first days and weeks after a distressing experience. They can act as a shield and help a person to recover. However if this apathy continues for a very long time, it can become a problem in its own right. It then stands between the individual and their enjoyment of life. There are strategies and methods of overcoming feelings of emptiness.
Taking an active part in life.
Withdrawing from things is normal. It can help you process what you have experienced. If your feelings of emptiness last for too long, it is important for you to start taking an active part in life again. Start going outside and meeting other people. Even if it’s hard at first, you will notice that you gradually start to feel better. The more often you’re able to take an active part in life again and start doing things or mixing with other people, the sooner you will find that your feelings of emptiness inside are growing smaller and you will start to feel happier again. Go outside every day and find a positive activity on your own or together with other people. And lastly, you can use your own sources of strength to help you get better.